Download intel support assistant
Download intel support assistant

Read and agree to the license terms and conditions.Double-click Intel® Driver & Support Assistant Installer.exe file.Download and save locally on your device.Uninstall any previous versions (optional).We recommend using Chrome*, Firefox*, or Edge* (version 44.17763/18.17763 or newer) browsers. This application does not support Internet Explorer* browser.We recommend performing a Windows* update to bring your operating system up to date with the latest.

download intel support assistant download intel support assistant

Operating system requirements for installation: This application installs on Windows 7*, Windows 8*, Windows 8.1*, Windows® 10, and Windows® 11.A broadband Internet connection is required to use this utility.Issues with upgrading Intel® Driver & Support Assistant to a newer version? Please try our Uninstaller. Products supported: Graphics drivers, wireless networking, Intel® SSDs, Intel® NUCs, and Intel® Compute Sticks It has an enhanced detection engine to ensure that customers are given complete and accurate information and a scan frequency option to change from a “run-once” tool to a persistent experience that can provide customers with driver updates more quickly. This tool has the main interface hosted on Intel’s support website and provides a more integrated support experience to users. The Intel® Driver & Support Assistant enables you to scan computing devices for the latest drivers available from Intel.

Download intel support assistant